
we all got put into stasis
some of us fought it
the others were initiated
gradually you could see all the dissidents
breathing in the air
wondering where all the others got their brown shirts
or are they just playing along?
like the others did
no one is speaking to each other in public

that’s not true
i spoke with an old woman at a thrift store in ardmore
about what the song Hotel California is about
i said that i think it’s about hell
she said Hollywood
so i said
what’s the difference?
she was cool

i think this was all planned or chaos really just is that funny
i never went to sleep
there’s too much to do
in waking life
i’ll pass on the matrix
no thanks no thanks
i’m not buying the counterfeit yer selling
btw that’s fraud

5 thoughts on “9.19.20”

  1. God bless you sister…. How do we come closer to each other— irl — to share spirit to start a publishing coop like its not the endtimes to walk america’s wastelands like kerouac was always supposed to be, the lost and found women.

      • Will do, v soon. Been fighting to keep my apartment and sanity, got some relief on both accounts. Thank you for the further invitation, i struggle to reach out sometimes. Like a tartarian mudflood over my mind and soul. TTYS. Xo. MA


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